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The company

Contemporary. Open. Vibrant. Being creative and fun has turned Mikyajy into one of the leading cosmetics brands in the Middle East. Mikyajy was established in the UAE in 1999 and now boasts 270+ stores across the region. With stores in The Dubai Mall, The Mall of the Emirates, Mirdif, Yas and Dalma it feels like everywhere you turn a new Mikyajy pops up.


They have a voice and a huge market: well over a million customers!

The brief:

Mikyajy needed a website that resonated with their customers and showcased their extensive lines of cosmetics.

They also needed a custom content management system (CMS) so that their staff could easily update product information and content.

Furthermore Mikyajy needed some digital strategy with their Social Media.

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acumen advertising dubai

The Approach

We thought about the different CMS’s we could use and then our MD said:

“We need to make it easier to use than Facebook”

The developers cowered, they knew they had loads of work to do.

It was easier than they expected, and they were able to construct the custom CMS in 3 weeks. Just as they finished, creative was signed off and the website was finished the next week.

The Results

Once the website was completed we set our sights on a digital strategy which was going to be powered by the new website.

The first thing we think when we start to strategize is “who is the audience?”

It turns out a lot of Mikyajy customers and fans are Arabic speaking young woman from Saudi Arabia.

We tailored the social media around and this spoke in a tone of Arabic voice that is young, fresh and “hip”. This also resounded well with the scores of young Emirate woman who also love the brand.

The Acumen Ad Agency social media team were able to double Twitter followers, garner 50,000 facebooks fans and gain over 10,000 like on Instagram.

Looking for a social media agency that can demonstrate ROI, why not contact us today.