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The company

Once the biggest mall in Abu Dhabi, Dalma mall is no small beast.

Over 250,000 square metres, 400+ stores, 6300 parking spaces and costing an estimated 1.1 billion aed.

6300 car parks: And you can count on all of them being full on Saturday night.

The brief:


Dalma mall is roughly 25 km from the city center of Abu dhabi. Dalma was having trouble enticing customers away from the center of town to experience what they had to offer.

The job?

To change the city’s attitude and position Dalma as the capital’s centre point of shopping culture.

acumen advertising dubai
acumen advertising dubai

The Approach

We quickly came up with the tagline:

“Abu Dhabi’s favorite mall”

And used the american spelling to appeal to the educational system of Abu Dhabi.

The mall was missing an identity and voice, so we added a strong colour palette and typography to the tagline to really get things going.

The Results

We used a slogan of:

“open your eyes”

On an outdoor campaign to stop and make people think:

“Oh yer Dalma”

After the branding was sorted out we successfully managed the production of an interactive website, 2 outdoor campaigns, in mall stationary, a strong digital drive and an app.

As we move forward, we are putting the finishing touches on a new campaign.

We can’t wait to show you…

“Acumen is truly a one stop digital shop, if you’re with Acumen you need no other marketing agency”