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The company

Bavaria was originally brewed in Lieshout circa 1680, it’s very different today than it was in the 17th century, most notably and uniquely the lack of its intoxicating effects.

Bavaria’s fruit drink is so popular in the UAE that it’s sold in almost every supermarket in Dubai. It sits alongside Red Bull, Fanta and Lipton Ice Tea and has been evangelized by celebrities such as Mickey Rourke, Hugh Hefner and Charlie Sheen.

Funnily enough all three mega stars have subsequently fallen from grace. Eep.

The brief:

Acumen was commissioned to produce and direct a TVC for the UAE market.

Our role was simple.

Make the brand youthful, refreshing and fun.

acumen advertising dubai
acumen advertising dubai

The Approach

The acumen team storyboarded the idea, chose a production company, an executive producer, and was finally edited in London. The final TVC was shot over 4 days in the Caribbean and the brand took a giant leap, appealing to a younger audience.

The Results

Bavaria’s tagline – “Always challenging the accepted.” is something we really took on board with this project. Who would’ve thought a Dubai based agency could storyboard a TVC, shoot it in the Caribbean and then have all post production completed in London AND for it to be a huge success.

We definitely did.