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The company

One of the most irritating ways to spend your time as an expat is attending an international exchange when sending money home to loved ones.

The lines are always long and they frequently muck it up, ensuring your need to return. Enter Index Exchange, an awesome Idea from Al Hail and Habibe.

They have taken the whole process online. No queues, no wasted time, seamless and user-friendly integration.

The brief:

We were approached by Habibe exchange and Al Hail Holding to create the brand from the ground up. As a financial product they wanted it to be clean, trustworthy and have that “finance” style about it.

We have worked with many clients in the financial sphere so we have a well developed eye for what Habibe and Al Hail were looking for.

acumen advertising dubai
acumen advertising dubai

The Approach

We named it, designed it and branded it. We took inspiration from many financial institutions across the globe. We decided on a dark purple to build trust and a fresh yellow to show consumers that Index Exchange is a modern product that can be used as a replacement for the ever tiring bricks and mortar exchange shop.

The Results

If you want to check out the branding visit Index Exchange, you don’t even need to read it, the colors, lines and finishing screams finance. What do you think?