Posthumous Interview with David Ogilvy

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After re- reading “Ogilvy on Advertising” for the umpteenth time, I was forced to posthumously contact the great man. How could I work in the best ad agency in Dubai and not have met “the father”.

I wanted answers.

I needed instruction.

I had to have his genius bestowed upon me.

22 unsolicited and un-replied emails and 16 handwritten letters in red ink later, I was finally granted permission to meet “The father of advertising”. In the end, I slipped in the door via a critique of one of his ads. I had insulted the father and it was him, who now wanted answers. His ego, like a peach, was juicy and easily bruised. I could apologise later, no sweat.

The catch: he would only do the interview in person at Touffou, his castle in France.

And yes I had to Google the place and how to say hello in French.

“Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour” It had to be perfect.

I jumped on the next plane to France and 7 hours and two minutes later, I found myself being welcomed by 10,000 or so screaming Parisians.

Ok, not really. The only seat left was in first class and I got a little silly on the gratuities. Upon attempting to get a taxi, I realized that outside of “Bonjour”, my French game was far from on point. I showed the taxi man a map, he went white, and with an underwhelming look of grief, silently gasped “Ogilvy”.

What had I gotten myself into? The trip, I had found was close to four hours and 300 Euros long. But finally, I was standing in front of the pearly gates of Chateau de Touffou, the father’s castle.

In complete trepidation I buzzed and was let in.

I was immediately taken to a sitting room and offered a whiskey and a cigar. Finally I thought, I am living in a mad-man world.

We exchanged pleasantries and I apologised for attacking his ad and then explained why. He understood my trickery and explained he would have done the same. David said he could only answer ten questions, “you better make them count” he teased.

And here they are:

AM: David you were quite the copywriter but always referred to yourself as lousy. What was your secret?
DO: Do not address your readers as though they were gathered together in a stadium. When people read your copy, they are alone. Pretend you are writing to each of them a letter on behalf of your client.

AM: Where did you learn to write?
DO: I don’t know the rules of grammar. If you’re trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think. We try to write in the vernacular.

AM: So you speak to the consumer one-to-one in their own language, do you ever embellish or use overly persuasive language?
DO: Never write an advertisement which you wouldn’t want your family to read. You wouldn’t tell lies to your own wife. Don’t tell them to mine.

AM: I wouldn’t dare, but there is a fine line between persuasion and lying. Have you found benefit in native advertising?
DO: It has been found that the less an advertisement looks like an advertisement and the more it looks like an editorial, the more readers stop, look, and read.

AM: Do you find that the customer is easy to trick?
DO: The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife. You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything. She wants all the information you can give her.

AM: So we live in a digital world with an abundance of information, what would be your advice in the advertising environment today?
DO: Never stop testing, and your advertising will never stop improving.

AM: This happens to be a lot easier now with all the advancements in digital advertising. But there is so much data available – will the show just go on?
DO: Advertising people who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals.

AM: You basically started from nothing, what would you tell your younger self when you were setting your agency up?
DO: Hire people who are better than you are, then leave them to get on with it. Look for people who will aim for the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine.

AM: Is there a risk to hiring people who are better than you?
DO: If you always hire people who are smaller than you are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. If, on the other hand, you always hire people who are bigger than you are, we shall become a company of giants.

AM: David I think I have learnt more about advertising in 15 minutes with you than I have in my whole career, do me a favour and send me off with another gem.
DO: Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ball park. Aim for the company of immortals.
And poof he was gone…

He was blunt, and straight to the point. Everything he said sounded like a quote.


Pay Per Click Advertising Dubai with acumen ad agency

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If you can’t afford to wait 3 months for your SEO efforts to show ROI, we have the answer:

Get in front of your customers tomorrow with Acumen Advertising and PPC in Dubai.

Have you heard about Google?

What about Facebook?

Of course you have.

Did you know the average person spends 2 hours on social media each day?

Each day!

Yep, that’s about a quarter of your waking hours.

Acumen Advertising Dubai has been researching where your customers hang out online since the dawn of the internet.

That’s why we focus on Facebook and Google. The big boys of internet advertising.

What if we said we could get a visitor to your site for a dirham a click.

And not just any visitor, a visitor who is ready to throw some money your way.

A visitor already deep in the buying cycle.

Depending on your niche the cost per click may be a little more, but rest assured, Acumen knows the process in gaining the most cost effective click rates.

Let’s take a look at our process.


1) Goal development
What do you want from the campaign?

Before we even set up the campaign we need to be sure of the campaign goals.

Launching a new product? Leveraging existing customers? Brand awareness?

Once well defined goals are created, we advise you on the best ad group to pursue to maximise your ROI.

Google or Facebook, or both.

You define the goals, we decide how to get there.


2) Keyword & Competition Research
The research phase comprises two key ideas:

Keywords and competition.

In the pay per click world, you need to research both in unison. Not all keywords are created equal. Not all markets are the same. Acumen goes after Keywords in a unique way.

We actually have a super nerdy, super secret algorithm we use to advise us on which keywords are the most profitable.

We use ideas such as volume, competition and buying cycle. There is no point targeting keywords that aren’t going to be profitable. We match keywords with each stage of the buying cycle and take big notice of competition and volume.

We then take this one step further and map these keywords to individual ads and landing pages.


3) Advertisement Creation
How do you get the top advertisement spot, without paying the top price?


You get top spot if you have the highest “quality score” and bid price combination.

So if you can’t compete with big companies advertising budgets, don’t worry, we can.

Not because we can out bid the big guys, but because we only produce quality advertisements and we know the process back to front.

So how does Google score quality?

It all boils down to CTR (click through rate) and bounce factors. High CTR happens when you have the best advertisement. Bounce refers to how quickly a visitor leaves a page after clicking on it. Users will usually bounce if the advertisement doesn’t match the landing page.

Which brings us on to the next point:


4) Landing Page development
A landing page is where you send people who click on your advertisement.

We believe in our process so much that we won’t run a PPC campaign without a unique landing page.


Because failure isn’t something we do. No landing page equals poor quality score, which equals expensive advertising campaign. Rising costs equals falling ROI.

Also, our team of designers jump at the opportunity to create compelling landing pages. Having completed one or more for every project, they are well versed in the combination of design, best practices and performance. The advertisement pulls the customer in, the landing page seals the deal.

Getting a landing page right is hard work. You also have no idea how consumers are going to react to them. That’s why we generally create a few examples and test them to see which ones convert the best. We test them by installing tracking devices to see which landing pages are securing the most business.

Don’t worry if it’s getting complicated, that’s what we’re here for.


5) Performance Analysis
Einstein said that his definition of insanity is:

“Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

We take this mantra into every campaign. We start campaigns small, identify any poor performers, change it up and then scale.

You see, if we find a campaign where we can put two bananas in and get four out:

Then why not put in 100 bananas


6) Feedback
So by now our little PPC machine has grown a lot and it’s your turn to see the results.

We use customized reporting so you know exactly where your money is being spent and how much you are getting in return.

We promise it won’t be payable in bananas.

This is also a great opportunity for you to get involved. Got any ideas for improvements or tweaks that could make a big difference?

Jump on board.


7) Rinse and repeat
We are always looking for improvement, even if it’s squeezing the tiniest bit harder for better results.

No one’s perfect, but that’s what acumen is chasing.

There isn’t too many agencies in Dubai who have the same mix of nerds, creatives and know-it-all’s as acumen.

If you want well thought out, creative and tested advertising solutions, you know who to call.

5 Actionable ways to build relevant links

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Link building for local SEO is a hard game.

So is farming.

In both, you reap what you sow.

If your link building strategy involves selling the family cow for a few magic beans; don’t expect to magically climb Google’s beanstalk.

Jack is a good guy, don’t get me wrong, but his farming strategy is akin to building links with fiverr.

He got lucky; you won’t.

You want actionable insights.

Here is a list of link building for local SEO strategies you can action right now.

1) Sponsor a community event

Are you aware of any local events or community groups you could help out with?

Whatever your business is there will be an opportunity to offer your services, space or money to get a spot on their contributor’s page.

Maybe the local group has nowhere to hold monthly meetings, you could let them use your office, cafe or bar. You could even gift them light refreshments.

Perhaps the local group could really use some help in their social media.

Is there a local meetup group you can sponsor?

Get creative.

2) Contact your local supplier

Is there a local company you purchase goods from to run your business?

Give them a linked testimonial.

I’ve given them to a zoo, coffee shops and desert safari tour guides. Technically, you don’t even need to be their customer.

Any business you purchase anything from, will be excited if you approach them to give a testimonial.

A testimonial? What’s the point you may ask?

You write 200 words about how great your supplier is.

What do you get in return?

The supplier is going to link back to your website to show the review isn’t fake. And that you are a real person.

Easy, and guess what? it’s not just any old link, it’s super local and shows you are an active member of your local community

Start by creating a list of all of your suppliers. Pop over to the accounts section of your business and ask for a list.

Find the email address of the boss, or webmaster of your supplier and get to work!

3) Take the local business editor out for coffee

In your local area there will be a business editor. It’s highly likely that the publication has a website. Contact and invite for a coffee, hops or grape. Offer to write an article in your niche for them to run as their own.
PR agencies call this “The byline article”

No one’s calling journalists lazy. Imagine if a friendly stranger popped into your office and offered to do your job for you, for nothing?

I would give the friendly stranger a lovely little foot massage.

The byline article will work because you are essentially doing their work for them. In return you will get a local link and some great publicity.

Even if the paper runs your story only in print or without a link, it will still be good for your brand equity.

If you build rapport with this reporter they will come back for more. Drop an article every couple of months.

You might be thinking this is guest posting, you’re wrong. Guest post outreach sucks, drinking coffee and hooking a reporter up is a good time

You can also seek journalists who require a source on twitter with the hashtag #journorequest + your keyword or local area.

Or go to HARO; HARO however, is HARD work. So I would just stick to coffee and your lovely personality.

4) Offer a discount to a community group

If you play your cards right the local school may actually advertise this for you.They will include a link on their website so the families know where to find you.

You just need it to sound like they are getting a good deal. You will get a link from their website and possibly another via their newsletter.

My legend friends from No Yelling driving school did this exact trick by offering $5 off to anyone at Studying at Logan Technology School.

Link. Check.

Newsletter spot. Check.

Not only did they build some top notch .edu links, they were able to build trust within the community. Without knowing it, the school was essentially endorsing them as the best driving school in Logan.

What a cracker of an idea.

5) Are you in a mall or connected with a local business group?

If your business is in a mall, chances are the mall has a website. If you don’t have a link from them, drop everything and get it right now.

I am not joking. Now!

Sometimes your business won’t be in a mall, but you will be able to get associated with a local business group such as the chamber of commerce, who will be happy to list you in their directory.

6) Do you have any friends?

Jokes aside, do any of your friends operate a local business? If so, endorse each other.

A plumber could endorse a builder, who could endorse an architect who could endorse a unicorn.

Just kidding, was just seeing if your still paying attention.

You have all you need to build a couple of links right now.

Happy hunting!

Advertising Agency News

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As an advertising agency in Dubai, we are used to the odd busy month. This past one has been no exception. Busy is good though, cause all of a sudden it’s Thursday and then all of a sudden it’s mid-March.

And summer is just around the corner…

We believe summer is given an unfair bad wrap in this part of the world.

We love it!

It feels like just yesterday we were MARCHing into 2016…

We have had a busy start to the year with many new projects, new faces and new processes. With much more in the pipeline, we are living the standard #agencylife.

Too much love for our clients, too little time in the day.

We wanted to show off a few of our new clients. So here they are, with what makes them special, and what we’ll be getting up to with them.

Print Advertising | Conceptualisation
The Els Club is a glorious golf course located in the heart of Dubai. Designed by golfing legend Ernie Els; The Els Club is nothing short of amazing – greener greens and fairer fairways. Ernie knows his way round a golf course, he has won four majors and was welcomed into the international golf hall of fame in 2011.

When we started working with The Els club our golf loving GM (7 handicap on a good day) was rightly chuffed. The Els Club has asked us to conceptualise & design for on-going events and promotional related print advertisements.

Marketing collateral | Print Advertisements | Branded material | Website Development
Span Group is the leading provider of total integrated supply chain solutions to companies operating in the Middle East. Supply chain is the process of moving product between supplier, manufacturer and retailer.

The more efficient and optimised the supply chain, the more profit for all three groups. Supply chain is commonly confused with logistics. Logistics however, is basically supply chain but inside a company.

All a little confusing?

Not to worry, we’ll explain it all on the website we are in the process of developing. You’ll stumble upon this website after seeing the print ads we are designing. And to not leave the Span team out, we’re doing a bunch of in-house branded material for them as well!

Website | Outdoor Branding | Design
LLumar is a brand focused on improving lives, communities, and the environment by producing quality materials that protect us from the elements. LLumar specialises in the window film technology that you find on the windows of your car, home and office.

The protection this film provides saves energy, and our skin, eyes and property.

We will be assisting LLumar with roll up banners, web banners, clothing, car &, door stickers. So if you see that car drive by with the booming system, windows all tinted up; it’s because of our successful advertising campaign for LLumar. Not because hip hop is playing on the radio.

One Against All

Brand Identity | Design conceptualization | App Development
When Laurent came to us with an idea for a new mobile app we were taken aback by the enormity of the project. The sheer scale shocked us.
We can’t say too much right now but big things are a foot. Think who wants to be a millionaire but against the whole world, crossed with Vegas; baby!

We are sad we can’t be playing it now. Building an app is a huge job, even simply sorting out the user journey took a week.

Watch this space.

Web Design & Development

Dubai Printing Press; our go to printers, have recently signed on for a website. Dubai Printing Press’s current website was developed in 2010 – the same year as the Burj Khalifa was opened. It feels like just yesterday we were all gathered around downtown at the opening of the icon of Dubai.

The problem is that yesterday in web time feels like a century ago. Not to worry though, the new DPP website will be just as wondrous as the Burj Khalifa – hopefully it attracts as many visitors.

Until next time,

The A Team

How to start a creative agency

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So I was browsing reddit and came across a hilarious post about how to start a creative agency by Ben fromCreative84. I sent it around the office and literally saw my 20-something creative director fall off his chair.

It almost felt like the article was a personal dig at him…

Maybe this one is. Maybe it’s not. ; )

Oh, and hats off to Fabienne, the genius behind the design.

Oh, and make a clickety click if you want to see it any bigger!

How to start a creative agency


Why acumen is the top advertising agency in Dubai

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So you’ve found us.

Hope the search hasn’t left you too tired!

If you are looking for an advertising agency in Dubai these 10 points should be a gauge on the kind of ad agency you should hire.

With 100’s of agencies in Dubai offering advertising services it can be hard to choose the right digital team. Here are 10 reasons why you should choose Acumen Advertising Agency.

We understand you’re busy so just scan the 10 points. Three minutes tops, we promise.

If you’re not sold by the end, Chief David will take you out for coffee.


1) We are a client focused boutique digital agency
You want to be able to contact a person who cares about your business. Our passionate team wants to be involved in your project. We want to work together to meet and then exceed your expectations and business goals.

What this means for you:
We guarantee quick turnarounds and put you first.


2) We do all work in-house so you can be assured of quality
We wouldn’t dream of off-shoring any of our work. We take pride in everything we do and we want you to be comfortable knowing we are 100% accountable to you.

We have design nerds, creative geniuses, technical freaks and mad men. Every aspect of the online world is covered here at Acumen.

We don’t want to outsource work and we surely don’t need to.

We’re little bit crazy when it comes to perfection and we love to take total control of all aspects of every project.

What this means for you:
An assurance of quality. No detail of our work will ever slip through our fine tooth comb.


3) We have been operating in Dubai for almost 20 years
Acumen Advertising agency has seen Dubai grow from desert and dust to sky rises and sports cars.

We understand what will make a difference to your business in this crazy city.

What this means for you:
We are betting our credibility on your success and we ain’t prepared to mess around with 20 years of integrity.


4) Our technical & creative team create strategy from the ground up
Advertising can be split down the middle by considering online and offline factors

You need your strategy and presence to be visually and technically superb.

We have some of the most passionate creatives in Dubai. We wake up every day to blow people away with our design work.

Our technical team works with the design team to ensure enhanced UX. Â We focus on blazingly fast websites and technically perfect optimisation.

What this means for you:
Have you ever seen the work that goes into a marketing, branding and development campaign.

It’s enough to make a grown man weep.

How do we do it?

Strategy. Communication. Creativity. Elbow grease.

When we are done..

Rinse and repeat.


5) Our strategies are ROI focused, not based on arbitrary impressions or ranks
Any one can rank the search query Camel Warfare in Antarctica.

In fact: if you write that sentence on a page on your website you will rank number one for that query.

Or buy media space on an out of the way non-relevant website.

Getting you loads of clicks and impressions of robots.

So what?

How will this improve your business? Your ROI? Your brand?

Understand that it won’t.

We understand the buyer cycle and only optimise for keywords and impressions that are going to meet your customer when and where you can influence them most.

What this means for you:
We will optimise around creatively conceived media that will get you found by your customers when they are ready to interact with your business.

Exactly when and where you want them.


6) We view advertising as holistic brand building
As we move into the marketing of tomorrow, no digital agency worth their salt will still look at traditional mechanisms as their chief KPI’s

Google has gone on record to say they are favouring brand power in their results pages (SERPs).

Building brand equity through media mentions and social media presence will be a huge ranking factor.

Sound’s like PR doesn’t it. (minus all the bubbles)

Acumen Advertising, amongst other things is a branding agency, we know exactly what you need to look like. In the street and on online.

We couple expertise in branding and advertising with creative content to push your business to the right channels online.

What this means for you:
Your exposure will improve and so will your brand power.

You get two services for the price of one.


7) We are strategy focused.
It’s all about teaching you what sort of content should be on your website. Our goal is turn you into a marketing expert.

Want to know who the best content creator is for your website?


Yes you.

You know your customers back to front, their pain points, what they need and when they need it.

Acumen will partner with your business from the ground up. We will develop the content strategy, you will help us implement it. When you get involved in content development you will never look back.

We love to brainstorm and can’t wait to join your team.

What this means for you:
The combination of our creatives with your product and customer knowledge will have your customers: sharing, shouting and begging for more.


8) Our team is the most informed group of advertising professionals in Dubai
We leave no article unturned and no advertising Agency unwatched.

We are passionate problem solvers by nature. We learnt long ago that advertising is such a dynamic profession that you either adapt or die. If you aren’t focused on knowledge development at all times you will fall behind the pack.

Falling behind in the advertising world doesn’t just mean your work and results are tired remnants of yesteryear.

It means you lose.

Well, we all lose.

What this means for you:
Your team at Acumen will always be at the cliff face of modern advertising strategy, not from yesterday and not from today. But from the very future of your business.


9) We are 100% transparent
We will never work for your competitors, because once we are working together they will be our competitors as well.

How could an advertising agency in Dubai ethically work on the marketing of two gyms both situated in JLT?

They can’t.

And we promise we won’t.

What this means for you:
Domination of your niche. Because you will have the best advertising Agency in Dubai working on your online visibility.


10) We Care
About you and your business objectives.

What this means for you:



Is David taking you out for coffee?

Little does David know, he has to take you out for coffee either way.

C’mon, think about it.

Pop your go-to-grind in the comments below and send David an email: [email protected]