Web Design

What makes a website or App amazing?

We believe a few things.

1) To start with, the website must convey the following to your audience, and it must happen within seconds.

“Who we are”

“What we do”

“What you can do here”

If you leave it too long to answer these questions, your audience will leave.

2) It must be technically superior.

Your website needs to load in under two seconds. It needs to be built to industry standard, with elegant coding and focused on search engine best practices, SEO. It needs to be programmed with tomorrow’s internet in mind.

3) It is 100% responsive.

This means that the user has the same experience no matter what device they are using. What were you doing on April 21, 2015? Google was implementing an update which serves to ignore any non-responsive website in the search engine result pages on mobile. They have basically said:

“Get responsive or get out”

4) Customer focused usability

Usability refers to ease of use. A customer must be able “glide’ around your website with utmost ease. You cannot afford to let your customer think. Your website must guide your customer to exactly where you want them to go.

Can Acumen do all this?

Of course we can, and of course much much more!