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The company

Since SED opened its doors in 1981 they’ve substantially added to their list of services and now boast 3D design, 3D drawing and rendering. They can take any idea, even if from a rough sketch and make it appear as it would a finished product. Once they have the final rendering of an idea they’ve the capability to manufacture the product as a full turn key solution.

The show stopper of course is that SED worked on the world’s tallest building – The Burj Khalifa!

The brief:

SED wanted to show the world their capabilities and realised the best way to do this was to have an amazing website and prospectus brochure.

They wanted to showcase their best work and wanted all their marketing collateral to sing to the same tune.

acumen advertising dubai
acumen advertising dubai

The Approach

We designed the website first, ironed out all the copy and design issues and once the direction was all signed off, we moved on to their marketing collateral.

It was important to develop their brochure and website simultaneously as the two pieces need to work in synergy for SED to streamline their lead generation model.

The Results

We loved working with SED, it was loads of fun, the processes they use in their manufacturing plant in Al Quoz are really interesting and diverse.

Oh and they were super happy with the result!