Link building for local SEO is a hard game.

So is farming.

In both, you reap what you sow.

If your link building strategy involves selling the family cow for a few magic beans; don’t expect to magically climb Google’s beanstalk.

Jack is a good guy, don’t get me wrong, but his farming strategy is akin to building links with fiverr.

He got lucky; you won’t.

You want actionable insights.

Here is a list of link building for local SEO strategies you can action right now.

1) Sponsor a community event

Are you aware of any local events or community groups you could help out with?

Whatever your business is there will be an opportunity to offer your services, space or money to get a spot on their contributor’s page.

Maybe the local group has nowhere to hold monthly meetings, you could let them use your office, cafe or bar. You could even gift them light refreshments.

Perhaps the local group could really use some help in their social media.

Is there a local meetup group you can sponsor?

Get creative.

2) Contact your local supplier

Is there a local company you purchase goods from to run your business?

Give them a linked testimonial.

I’ve given them to a zoo, coffee shops and desert safari tour guides. Technically, you don’t even need to be their customer.

Any business you purchase anything from, will be excited if you approach them to give a testimonial.

A testimonial? What’s the point you may ask?

You write 200 words about how great your supplier is.

What do you get in return?

The supplier is going to link back to your website to show the review isn’t fake. And that you are a real person.

Easy, and guess what? it’s not just any old link, it’s super local and shows you are an active member of your local community

Start by creating a list of all of your suppliers. Pop over to the accounts section of your business and ask for a list.

Find the email address of the boss, or webmaster of your supplier and get to work!

3) Take the local business editor out for coffee

In your local area there will be a business editor. It’s highly likely that the publication has a website. Contact and invite for a coffee, hops or grape. Offer to write an article in your niche for them to run as their own.
PR agencies call this “The byline article”

No one’s calling journalists lazy. Imagine if a friendly stranger popped into your office and offered to do your job for you, for nothing?

I would give the friendly stranger a lovely little foot massage.

The byline article will work because you are essentially doing their work for them. In return you will get a local link and some great publicity.

Even if the paper runs your story only in print or without a link, it will still be good for your brand equity.

If you build rapport with this reporter they will come back for more. Drop an article every couple of months.

You might be thinking this is guest posting, you’re wrong. Guest post outreach sucks, drinking coffee and hooking a reporter up is a good time

You can also seek journalists who require a source on twitter with the hashtag #journorequest + your keyword or local area.

Or go to HARO; HARO however, is HARD work. So I would just stick to coffee and your lovely personality.

4) Offer a discount to a community group

If you play your cards right the local school may actually advertise this for you.They will include a link on their website so the families know where to find you.

You just need it to sound like they are getting a good deal. You will get a link from their website and possibly another via their newsletter.

My legend friends from No Yelling driving school did this exact trick by offering $5 off to anyone at Studying at Logan Technology School.

Link. Check.

Newsletter spot. Check.

Not only did they build some top notch .edu links, they were able to build trust within the community. Without knowing it, the school was essentially endorsing them as the best driving school in Logan.

What a cracker of an idea.

5) Are you in a mall or connected with a local business group?

If your business is in a mall, chances are the mall has a website. If you don’t have a link from them, drop everything and get it right now.

I am not joking. Now!

Sometimes your business won’t be in a mall, but you will be able to get associated with a local business group such as the chamber of commerce, who will be happy to list you in their directory.

6) Do you have any friends?

Jokes aside, do any of your friends operate a local business? If so, endorse each other.

A plumber could endorse a builder, who could endorse an architect who could endorse a unicorn.

Just kidding, was just seeing if your still paying attention.

You have all you need to build a couple of links right now.

Happy hunting!