Marketing Strategy

5c’s and the 4p’s, don’t forget Mauborgne’s Blue Ocean Strategy,

Customers; you, and me, It’s all marketing you see.

Marketing strategy is the cornerstone of every business, well not every business. Sriracha doesn’t have a marketing team, or budget and is able to move 20 million units a year. But dam that hot sauce is dam fine.

Seth Godin said it well:

“Every successful product or service is the result of smart marketing thinking first, followed by a great product that makes the marketing story come true.”

You have been marketing your product all along, perhaps you just didn’t know it?

That’s where we swoop in.

After spending the last 20 years in the desert, kicking sand at each other, we have met every demographic and positioned products to them.

The marketing of your product is ready, it’s just locked in a cage.

Guess what?

We have the key…